Geshe Michael Roach's Advice to Yoga Teachers, Part Two: Get Them to Practice


If one task is to get people to come back to yoga class, another is to inspire them to do their yoga practice daily, if only for a short amount of time. Anyone who has truly gotten deep benefit out of yoga knows that this requires a daily practice—opening up the channels and chakras is really a lot easier with a modest, regular, daily practice. Here then are some tips for getting people to actually do a daily practice.

The Knowledge Base ( is an ongoing project to preserve and publish the life work of Geshe Michael Roach. The Knowledge Base Archive currently contains over 10,000 hours of teachings by Geshe Michael Roach and more than 12,000 pages of original translations, books and course materials.

Geshe Michael is the first American to have been awarded the degree of Geshe, or Master of Buddhism, after more than 20 years of study in Tibetan monasteries. He has used this training to become a prominent international teacher, businessman, philanthropist, author, educator, public speaker, and textual scholar.

The Knowledge Base features thousands of classes and thousands of pages of translations.

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