Freedom from Addiction: How to stop the downward cycle with Geshe Michael Roach


We can describe “addiction” as compulsive behavior that we have trouble controlling, and which hurts ourselves and other people around us. There are of course the obvious physical addictions: eating too much; spending too much time on the internet; the irresponsible use of alcohol; smoking cigarettes.

But there are also emotional addictions, although in many cases these may be considered socially acceptable: an addiction to overworking, or being too busy; addiction to the adulation or attention of others; addiction to focusing on the negative side of life; addiction to thinking poorly of ourselves.

Underneath these physical and emotional addictions—according to the wisdom tradition of the ancient East—lies an addiction to a certain view of the world: an addiction to a mistaken idea of how everything in the world works. And according to this wisdom, we can break our other addictions—no matter how strong they may be, and no matter how long they have plagued us—if we break this philosophical addiction.

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