Class 8: A Gift of Liberation 40 – The Magic of Empty Meditations: Exchanging Self and Others (2023)


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The full practice of exchanging self and others acts as a catalyst, an agent of change, to accelerate the development of compassion in your heart

We have reached two of the most cherished meditation practices of our tradition, designed to help us develop a deep experience of compassion and love: exchanging self and others, and tonglen.

These two widely known meditations are the key to smashing our own self-cherishing and selfishness, which is handcuffed to our infinitely worse habit of all: believing that things are themselves.

In this 10-day meditation retreat intensive at diamond mountain, we will explore the nuances of each of these meditations and bring ourselves to the following question: If we truly understood that our world, including even our meditation practices, is the result of how we have treated others in the past… how could we use this key understanding of emptiness to fuel the desired transformation in our world?

How do these meditation practices actually provide the fuel and seeds for change?

Geshe Michael Roach will take us on a journey through this deep practice of Exchanging Self and Others. We will be learning from Pabongka Rinpoche’s “Gift of Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand” and exploring this meditation in all its detail. It is designed to quickly open your heart and help you find the edge of your limitations and break through to become a kinder, more compassionate, and also effective person in the world.

This course is the 40th retreat and a continuation of our study of the Gift of Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand by Pabongka Rinpoche. To view the previous courses in this course series, please visit the following link:


00:00 – Intro

00:20 – Idim 40.22b: A new mantra for us, all day

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