Meditation 1 – A Gift of Liberation 31: How to Make Your Mind a Beautiful Place (2018, Thailand)


Geshe Michael Roach continues the Gift of Liberation series, taught originally by Pabongka Rinpoche in a 24-day lecture in the early 20th century. With exquisite detail and breadth of knowledge, Geshe Michael Roach brings these teachings alive to modern audiences and how to live them in our daily lives.

The Knowledge Base ( is an ongoing project to preserve and publish the life work of Geshe Michael Roach. The Knowledge Base Archive currently contains over 10,000 hours of teachings by Geshe Michael Roach and more than 12,000 pages of original translations, books and course materials.

Geshe Michael is the first American to have been awarded the degree of Geshe, or Master of Buddhism, after more than 20 years of study in Tibetan monasteries. He has used this training to become a prominent international teacher, businessman, philanthropist, author, educator, public speaker, and textual scholar.

The Knowledge Base features thousands of classes and thousands of pages of translations.

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  1. Costa

    I was at this retreat, thank you for these teachings and for the wonderful rock-n-roll, Geshe-La! 🎸🙏
