
The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), Bharat Diamond Bourse and IDEX International Diamond Exchange, in conjunction with the Diamond Cutter Institute for International Management, organised a special talk on how to use the ancient wisdom of India to double your business this year.

The talk was be given by Geshe Michael Roach, author of the international bestselling business book “The Diamond Cutter.” Geshe Michael is an honors graduate of Princeton University and has received the Presidential Scholar Medal from the President of the US at the White House.

Geshe Michael studied for 25 years at a Tibetan monastery, and helped bring Andin International Diamond of New York to its first US$100 million in sales, before starting his own management training company. Andin was purchased by superinvestor Warren Buffett in 2009.
When: Thursday 25th February, 3:30pm
Where: Bharat Diamond Bourse, Trading Hall, H Tower

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