Episode 2 – About Not Making Profit


The #PeachTreeMorningShow is a production of @DCI TV , the YouTube Channel of the #DiamondCutterInstitute.
In this show, we share the way to solve business and personal problems using the #DCIUniversalSeedsSystem.

#DCI is a company with teachers and audience form all over the world, that has been in the market for more than 10 years!!

Our roots are based on a great ancient system of thought, and we have built a practical, powerful and methodical system that is easy to apply, for solving problems and reaching goals in the modern world.

DCI reaches more than 30,000 people in more than 35 cities every year!! People understanding how to create the causes that will force them to see their own success, and in the process of using this system, they are naturally becoming true leaders by adding value to those around them.

To learn more about DCI, our Universal System, our live events or our online community, follow the link below:
– https://diamondcutterinstitute.com/

Follow us in our social media and say “Hi”:
– https://www.facebook.com/diamondcutterinstitute/
– https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-diamond-cutter-institute/
– https://www.youtube.com/c/DCITV?sub_confirmation=1
– https://www.instagram.com/diamondcutterinstitute/ In this second episode, we analyze the deep and unexpected cause that brings us the result of watching the profits of our business not taking off or watching them go down.

We are loving the questions you are sending from all over the world.

Please keep sending them and we will answer all of them.

Just remember to keep them short, lay and cool!!

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