Coffee Meditation: The Secret Weapon to Creating Fast and Powerful Karma


The most important step in the process of planting seeds is what Geshe Michael Roach likes to call “Coffee Meditation”. As he’s said in his recent book, The Karma of Love:

“Coffee Meditation makes all the difference between getting what you want in your life, or not. Don’t be deceived by how simple it is, or by the fact that laying down on your bed at night and thinking about all the good things you’re doing for people is a mildly pleasant process.”

“It’s not true that the most powerful karmas you can plant require the most effort or stress. If you think about it, it may actually be the opposite: that if you really find the most powerful spiritual tools of all, the most powerful keys to success, then perhaps by their very nature they are gentle, and simple, and easy.”

“Coffee Meditation is one of the most pleasant practices of all; and the most powerful; and the most necessary. Skip your Coffee Meditation, and you are skipping your success, and happiness.


Geshe Michael Roach

Geshe Michael Roach (born December 17, 1952) is the first American to have been awarded the degree of Geshe, or Master of Buddhism, after more than 20 years of study in Tibetan monasteries. He has used this training to become a prominent international teacher, businessman, philanthropist, author, educator, public speaker, textual scholar, and musician. Geshe Michael graduated with honors from Princeton University and has received the Presidential Scholar Medal from the President of the United States at the White House.

In 1981 he helped found Andin International Diamond Corporation and bring it to annual sales of over $100 million, donating his profits to international aid projects. His book about achieving business and personal success through generosity, The Diamond Cutter, has become a global bestseller in 20 languages. He is the founder of the Asian Classics Institute, Diamond Mountain University, the Asian Classics Input Project, Worldview, the Yoga Studies Institute, Star in the East, Global Family Refugee Aid, Three Jewels Community Outreach Centers, and the Diamond Cutter Institute.

The Knowledge Base ( is an ongoing project to preserve and publish the life work of Geshe Michael Roach. The Knowledge Base Archive currently contains over 10,000 hours of teachings by Geshe Michael Roach and more than 12,000 pages of original translations, books and course materials.

Geshe Michael is the first American to have been awarded the degree of Geshe, or Master of Buddhism, after more than 20 years of study in Tibetan monasteries. He has used this training to become a prominent international teacher, businessman, philanthropist, author, educator, public speaker, and textual scholar.

The Knowledge Base features thousands of classes and thousands of pages of translations.

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