In this post, we’re sharing insides and conclusions from Geshe Michael Roach’s recent retreat in Kyoto, Japan, sent to us by the participants themselves.
In 2009 Geshe Michael joined with senior graduates of ACI and DMU to form the Diamond Cutter Institute, in order to bring these seminars to an even greater
In 1999, Geshe Michael was approached by Doubleday Publishing / Random House of New York to write a book about his experience in helping to build Andin Diamond
In 1981, his teacher Khen Rinpoche directed him to begin a business in Manhattan in order to help support Tibetan refugees. Following a meditative vision and
During the loss of Tibet and subsequent Cultural Revolution, over 5,000 libraries in the country were destroyed. Books became scarce and, early in his monastic
Geshe Michael is one of the most prolific modern translators of ancient Asian manuscripts, having completed more than 40 ancient texts of Tibetan and Sanskrit
He has passed more than six years in deep retreat, including a traditional “Great Retreat” of 3 years, 3 months, and 3 days in silence and meditation, from
In 1975 Geshe Michael began a lifetime of service for Tibetan refugees, collecting contributions and clothing in the Princeton area and shipping them to the refugee camps.
In 1993, near the end of his Geshe studies, Geshe Michael determined that he would try to make the entire Geshe program available to westerners in their own language.
As for other practices meant to transform the inner body, Geshe Michael received empowerment into the “unsurpassed yoga” (anuttara) systems of the Tibetan tradition–including